Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S01 - Good Character - Evil is he who is arrogant



One of the greatest sins in the Sight of Allah SWT is that when it is said to someone, Fear Allah SWT and one replies [arrogantly] Worry about yourself (Nasaa'ee). Evil is he who is arrogant and rebellious but forgets the origin and conclusion (Tirmidhi). As Prophet Nuh (as) was departing the world he advised his sons, I prevent you from associating with Allah SWT and from pride. I command you to 2 things...لا إله إلا الله  & ِ، سُبْحَانَ اللَّهِ العَظِي These 2 phrases are the salah of every creation and everything is granted sustenance due to them (Nas'ee). Superior worship is humility (Baihaqi).