Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S04 - Divine Mercy - One should not commit sins in the hope of being forgiven



The one who performs ablution and stands to offer the obligatory prayer then Allah SWT forgives him all the sins committed that day by his feet, hands, ears, eyes and inner self (Ahmad)... Yet do not be deceived by this forgiveness (ibn Majah). Meaning one should not commit sins in the hope of being forgiven. Others turn their night into a calamity and punishment for themselves, these exploit the solitude of the night to indulge in various sins... (Tabarani). For everything a servant loses there is a substitute, but the one who loses Allah SWT will never find anything to replace Him (Al Dawaal Al Dawaa). When a person fails to do good deeds then Allah SWT puts him in trial through worries (Abdullah ibn Ahmad). O Allah SWT you who returns what has been lost and guides from error Return to me what I have lost by Your Might & Power For verily it is your Gracious Gifting & grace (Tabarani).