Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S21 - Surah Nur (24) - Verse 38 - 40



Session 21 S 24 v38-40  'The best of you are those who live the longest and do the best of deeds.' 'Add even more out of Grace - The Grace here is Paradise.' Uzair was neither a consort or a son of Allah SWT... Bani Israel referred to him as Uzair the son of God due to his learning of the Taurat. The Monks labour hard making Umar (ra) weep, Surah 88 v2-4 & Surah 18. The Vast Deep Ocean, Waves topped by Waves... referring to the shades of atheism. The atheists Speech is Darkness as are their Deeds, Entrance & A Sad End. Beyond 5m in the depths of The Ocean the colour Red disappears, after 30m Orange, after 100m Yellow, after 200m Blue and after 500m there is no light (verse 40 he can hardly see). The Oceanographer Professor Schroder, hearing verse 40 stated, These are not the words of a mortal.