The Private Practice Business Academy

Dee Bills of Private Practice Administrative Consulting



Do you know the four, main metrics by which you can measure your practice’s health? Neither did today’s guest, Dee Bills—a physical therapist turned owner of Private Practice Administrative Consulting—until she sat down and figured them out (more on this later). After nearly two decades of working in the private practices of others, Dee decided to buy her own practice in 2005 from the hospital where her husband worked at the time. At first, everything was great. The thrill of being a practice owner was invigorating, and—as Dee will admit—the newfound mantle of “ownership” cast a happy, king-of-the-castle veneer over every emerging obstacle and problem. But after five years of life as a small business owner and PT practitioner, the gilded veneer of “ownership” had worn completely off. Dee was tired, frustrated, and left facing some stark realities—both economic and operational—about the future of her business… …Realities that required immediate change if her practice was going to survive into 2011. (Remember w