Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S113 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - The Prophecy of Hasan (ra)



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 113 The Fox of The Arabs The Prophecy of Hasan (ra) The Messenger ﷺ was once on the pulpit (with Hassan ra a young boy at the time), addressing the people... This son of mine is Sayyid and may Allah SWT make peace between two large groups of Muslims through him (Bukhari). 'Not one drop of blood should be shed on my account' (Ibn Asaakir). 'O Allah SWT keep him safe and keep others safe through him' (Ibn Asaakir). Who is a pious man O Messenger ﷺ? The one who stops when in doubt (Tabarani).