Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S117 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - Honour my Companions for they are the very best of you



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 117 The Fox of The Arabs 'Honour my Companions for they are the very best of you ...' (Nasaa'ee). 'Revile not my Companions' (Bukhari). 'When my Companions are mentioned withhold... When the stars are mentioned withhold When the Decree is mentioned withhold ' (Tabrani). 'Curse be upon those who speak ill of my family & my Companions' (Tabarani). 'There will be discord between my Companions which Allah SWT will forgive, due to them being my Companions. Then certain people will follow (research into) it after them and this will lead them to the Fire' (Qurtobi).