Amos 3:7 A Love Of The Truth

A Nuclear Showdown in The Middle East? - A Urgent Bible Prophecy Update



Could the recent upheavals in Iran fulfill ancient biblical prophecies? Tune in as Bill Salus  & Tom Hughes talk about an Urgent Prophecy Update, unraveling the connections between today's geopolitical events and the scriptures from Jeremiah 49, Isaiah, Zephaniah, Obadiah, and Psalms. We begin with the stunning news of Raisi's helicopter crash and the subsequent removal of key Iranian leaders, exploring whether these developments signal a divine orchestration. As Iran nears nuclear capability, we examine Israel's strategic military responses and their potential alignment with end-time scenarios.  Iran is ancient Persia & Elam in the Table of Nations in Genesis 10.Drawing insightful parallels between biblical narratives and current events, we discuss the providential nature of these occurrences. By referencing Daniel 2:21, we contemplate divine intervention in the removal of Iranian leaders, akin to the biblical story of Haman's downfall in the Book of Esther. We delve into the noti