Excellent Executive Coaching: Bringing Your Coaching One Step Closer To Excelling

EEC 326: How to Harmonize Your Life, with Marla Albertie



As an energetic visionary, Marla Albertie is the owner and founder of the TruthSpeaksGroup LLC , a multimedia company that creates strategies and solutions for work-life integration/harmony (WLI/H). She is also the founder of I/O for Teens Inc. Anything about coaching and work/life harmonizing? What is work/life harmonizing? What is I/O Psychology? Why write a book about bragging? What lead you to be a coach? Marla Albertie As an energetic visionary, Marla Albertie is the owner and founder of the TruthSpeaksGroup LLC , a multimedia company that creates strategies and solutions for work-life integration/harmony (WLI/H). She is also the founder of I/O for Teens Inc., (a skill, confidence, and career building organization teaching teens how to achieve their dreams based on a science of human behavior.) MJA Notary Services LLC., MJA Publishing LLC., and JEMA Holdings LLC. Marla is a certified professional career, executive, and life coach, trainer APTD (Associate Professional in Training and Development), Certi