In The Market With Janet Parshall

Hour 1: Faith That Doesn’t Falter



Disagreements can become divisions very quickly in the modern world. How do we walk the tightrope of truth without alienating the very ones we are trying to reach? On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we took a look at the so-called “cancel culture” mentality of today and our guest shared some practical guidance on how to see our own blind spots when it comes to engaging others as well as how to speak truth in winsome and effective ways. From Pastor to Congressman our guest shared his personal journey and gave a dire reminder of the importance of the ballot box when it comes to preserving the hard fought liberties that we too often take for granted in the United States. How do believers stand on truth against the seemingly logical and impenetrable arguments of atheists and other skeptics? We heard from one of our favorite apologist who used his training as a lawyer to teach us how to recognize and address some of their biggest arguments and how to respond with God’s unchanging trut