Negotiate Anything: Negotiation | Persuasion | Influence | Sales | Leadership | Conflict Management

From Self-Critique to Success: Dionne Nicholls’ Strategies for Overcoming Perfectionism


Synopsis  In this empowering episode of Negotiate Anything, host Kwame Christian welcomes Dionne Nicholls-Germain, a dynamic life and leadership coach, speaker, and author, to delve into the transformative power of self-forgiveness in high-performance individuals. Together, they discuss the common theme of executives being unduly hard on themselves and how perfectionism can create barriers to personal and professional growth. Dionne introduces her 90-day Conquering Unforgiveness journal that serves as a tool for individuals to foster self-compassion and embrace a growth mindset. The conversation emphasizes the importance of self-forgiveness in negotiation and conflict resolution, highlighting how cultivating a forgiving attitude towards oneself can lead to greater innovation, productivity, and improved business outcomes. Listeners will learn: - Strategies for managing their own inner critic to enhance negotiation capabilities. - How self