Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.14- Church Fights



Have you ever witnessed, or been part of a fight in church? Maybe not fists, but words? I’ve seen church fights over some pretty crazy things, sometimes over little things, and other times big things. I’ve seen church fights over what version of the Bible should be preached from, even what time the service should start. I’ve seen church fights, people even leaving a church family because it wasn’t “woke” enough or “MAGA” enough. I’ve seen church fights over carpet color, drums, coffee pots… I’ve even seen fights over communion, and apple fritters! There’s lots of reasons church people fight, but did you know, these things aren’t the actual reason we fight? In fact, even if all these things met your criteria, if everyone agreed on all these things, there would still be fights. Those are just excuses, things we blame, manifestations of a much bigger problem that starts deep within each of us. The real cause is when we are