Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.12- Watch Your Mouth



Can you remember the most hurtful things people have ever said to you? I can quote them perfectly. I remember many, where I was, who said it, their exact words, and how I felt, decades later I can remember every detail. Some of these things were 20, 30, 40 years ago. Isn’t it amazing how easily we can remember these things? I am 56 years old, and some of these moments still run around like ghosts of discouragement in my head. What about the opposite? Can you remember what quite literally is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? What is it about words? Why do they have such a massive impact on us? Have you ever hurt someone with your words? Has your tongue ever exposed you as a hypocrite? Have your words cut someone like a knife in the past. In that moment, when you knew your words caused the pain you wanted them to cause… did you enjoy it? And long after we forget what we said, our words linger, and our victim remembers them each time reopening that wound. Have you said really nice thing