Big Gay Nerds

Big Gay Nerds: Episode 282 (Masks 6.9)



Things are poppin' off in many places at once as a solid 75% of the New Wave find themselves facing off against deadly adversaries! Pate has a close-quarters tangle with Bodach, for once unsure if she should stand her ground or try to get away; Pipa has to deal with Lady Photon's surprise attack, with Agent Tan as either an unexpected ally or a serious liability; and Luke must defend his jerk-ass adoptive dad from Le Chat, despite the fact that he's got an anti-speedster payload. Surely Juno will be able to help tip the scales... assuming she doesn't butt heads with another hero on the way over. But why would I even say that? Content warnings for brief suicidal ideation, gunfire and gun injury, and prisons. Music by Perennial Sounds LLC