Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.10- Hypocritical Judges



I find it painful and embarrassing when my own hypocrisy is exposed. Yet, there's a part of me that takes a peculiar satisfaction in identifying hypocrisy in others. Especially the hypocrisy of those who have accused me of hypocrisy. I am very good at spotting your hypocrisy. In fact, as a good pastor should... I keep a spreadsheet. Now of course you might ask, where does Pastor Joe end up on this list… well, I’m not on the list. Keeping track of everyone else’s hypocrisy is a big job, I just don’t have time to track mine. Hypocrisy is a problem, a constant struggle for all of us, correct? So, we need to know how to deal with it. We think of hypocrisy as accusing someone of something we are guilty of as well. But it goes much deeper than that. Our hypocrisy can manifest itself in many different, overt, and subtle ways. Today we are talking about a specific kind of hypocrisy that James says is an important test of our faith. It’s the hypocrisy of discrimination, specificall