Negotiate Anything: Negotiation | Persuasion | Influence | Sales | Leadership | Conflict Management

Preparation: The Game-Changer in Negotiation with Jodie W. McLean



Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: In this episode, join us as Jodie W. McLean, Chief Executive Officer of EDENS, shares invaluable insights into the critical role of preparation in negotiation, with a particular focus on the real estate industry. Gain profound wisdom on the significance of thorough preparation and its impact on successful negotiations. Key Takeaways:  Gain a comprehensive understanding of your desired negotiation outcomes. Discover the art of creating genuine value by recognizing the non-negotiable aspects for both parties involved. Learn effective strategies for engaging in win-win negotiations that prioritize mutual benefits and positive outcomes for all parties. Jodie is responsible for EDENS’ strategy to move the portfolio to major urban centers and first-ring suburbs, creating a portfolio of assets that are the center of community life. She was named Chief Investment Officer in 1997, President in 2002