Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.5- Your Heart's Desire



This won’t be comfortable, but its good for us to squirm sometimes, as we test our ropes of faith, right? What would life be like if you were given everything your heart desires? What if all your dreams come true? Would it make you happy? Would you be fulfilled? Would you be completely satisfied? Or would it be a disaster? I’m not talking about just the standard desires of a beautiful family, a good job, great friends. What about all the hidden desires of your heart? What about what your heart desired when you were angry? What if all those desires became reality? Every thirst for revenge, justice? Would your life be better? What if you could fulfill every desire for material things? All the clothes, cars, houses, gadgets… would that be good? What if every lustful desire you ever had was fulfilled? Would that complete you, or would it kill you? What if every person who ever lived got everything their heart desired? How would that work out? When you think about it, I bet 95% of what we desi