Intercepted Imperial Transmissions

Intercepted Imperial Transmissions S4:E4



Greetings all, and Happy Holidays! In today's episode, The Adjudicator starts a new phase in his life. The numerous Star Wars shows on the horizon. The major problems Johnathan Majors has found himself in. Snow White gets down n dirty with the Brothers Grimm. The double standard of living La Vita Loca with Disney -vs DC. In the Main Event we FINALLY discuss our final thoughts on Mando Season 3, Andor, Tales of the Jedi, Visions 2 AND Ahsoka!  Whoot! See the Redemption of Anakin (Christensen) under the watchful eye of Filoni. See Grand Admiral Thrawn fall victim to one of the classic blunders: Never get involved in a land war with Space Wizards! So grab a mug of mulled wine, an Ewok shaped suger cookie, and enjoy.