In This Together With Dr. Josh + Christi

The Heart of Leadership with Bill Lokey (Part 1 of 4)



This past year we lost one of our dearest friends and mentors, Bill Lokey. As we close out the year, we were listening back to some of his wisdom and gold nuggets and thought it would be a tremendous gift to re-release a series we did together in 2020. He was a gift to us, and his insights, wisdom, and influence will continue to echo across generations, no doubt. In his honor, we're releasing this four-part series, recorded in 2020, to share with you again his insights on leadership, connection, and trauma.In part 1 of the series, we begin with the heart of leadership. Because no matter our stage, we lead people. As a parent, you lead your kids. As a spouse, you lead your husband or wife. At work, you lead your employees, congregants, soldiers, clients, and teams.How would each person you lead describe your ability to connect to their reality? And how much do we pay attention to those realities versus focusing solely on our own? As Bill describes, the quality of how well we lead rises or falls on our inner wo