Gracelife Sarasota

Test Your Faith (James) No.1- Be Perfect



You know I never really understood mountain climbing, not talking walking up a mountain, I’m talking cliffs & stuff. Who in their right mind puts their trust in a rope, fed through a clip, nailed into a rock 1,000 feet off the ground? How can you be sure the ropes & clip are reliable? How can you know if you hammered it in right? What about those tents where people sleep on the side of a cliff? Like the mountain is so high it takes two days? But Pastor Joe, the views are breathtaking… umm. It's 2023… Drones… hello? Seriously though, what is wrong with these people? I think it’s the same with how most people walk through life, believing they’re ok w/God, that their faith will get them where they need to go, without testing their faith to make sure. If you insist on doing something so reckless as mountain climbing, you will at least test your equipment, right? You’ll make sure your pack has all the equipment you’ll need. You don’t want to discover w