Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Changes in Boutiqueland/Thoughts on 2024



5:32.0: You know, there's a lot of people that just step into entrepreneurship and it's like not their thing and no judgment.6:47.0: Because let's be honest. Most people that own a boutique and you know, I know I have my dudes out there and I also have mostly women I'm chatting with, right? And we know we are tired like we were tired.7:48.6: I think we have to all really, really be honest about when we start a boutique. Like, what's enough? What's enough for you? What's not enough? What's worth it? What's not? 9:24.2: It's money and numbers that we in a capitalistic, like, society have been raised to look to for success. And I don't really believe that that's true anymore.10:59.9: I really feel so strongly that you should be afforded a business that can make you money and give you a really nice life. Whatever that looks like to you.12:28.4: I think we focus on all the wrong things when we start businesses sometimes because we think we just have to do all the things and it's not true.13:29.3: Billionaires