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Resolving Conflict the Irish Way: A Conversation on Mediation and Negotiation with Enda Young



Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company In this episode, Edna Young, Managing Director at Mediation Northern Ireland, discusses how to unpack negotiations and conflict resolution at its core.You’ll learn how to: 1. Apply mediation techniques to improve your negotiations. 2. Create a conflict resolution strategy that solves the problem while improving the relationship. 3. Recognize the specific barrier that’s causing challenges in the conversation. We discuss: 1. How the 30 year War of Northern Ireland shaped Enda’s perspective on conflict resolution. 2. How learning the fundamentals of mediation can make you a better negotiator. 3. The difference between a good mediator and a GREAT mediator. Follow Enda Young on LinkedIn Mediation Northern Ireland LinkedIn page Mediation Northern Ireland website https://mediationnorthernireland.or