Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.21- Protecting Unity



Have you ever seen or been part of a church conflict? A church with no conflict in fact isn’t a healthy church. But obviously if a church has too much conflict, that’s a sign a church isn’t healthy either. Often, Christians lack courage to deal with conflict. In fact, most chose to deal with it in anger, or just walk away. We prefer silent or slanderous judgement, we cut people off, avoid them, look right past them, or just leave the church. Others “courageously” confront, in anger or self-righteousness. They don’t want reconciliation, they want retribution. As a pastor, I’ve had a front row seat to conflict. I’ve seen it destroy lifelong friendships, families, even split churches. My wife & I have personally experienced consequences of conflict handled incorrectly. It’s costly & painful every time. When conflict is handled properly, its an incredible opportunity for love & unity, & brings a smile to God’s face. How a church handles confl