Negotiate Anything: Negotiation | Persuasion | Influence | Sales | Leadership | Conflict Management

Internal Alignment: The Key to Successful Negotiations - Insights with David Feavearyear



Request A Customized Workshop For Your Company: In this episode of "Negotiate Anything," titled "Internal Alignment: The Key to Successful Negotiations" our host Kwame Christian, dives deep into the art of negotiation, focusing on the importance of internal alignment and self-negotiation. Joined by special guest David Feavearyear, an experienced negotiator, listeners are taken on a journey through the intricate world of negotiation, drawing on personal anecdotes and expert insights. From understanding competitive tension to navigating difficult stakeholder relationships, this episode reveals valuable strategies and techniques to achieve successful negotiation outcomes. After listening to this episode, listeners will: - Understand the significance of self-negotiation and internal alignment in achieving successful outcomes. - Learn strategies for navigating challenging stakeholder relationships during negotiations. - Acquire practical tools and