Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#256: The Forgotten Funnel: Increase Customer Value Without Selling More



“New customers are good, but existing customers are better.” - Casey Graham Did you know it takes five times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep an existing one? Five times! Most businesses put a huge focus on getting NEW customers (which is important), but where they’re missing the mark is by not equally nurturing the EXISTING customers that they do have. On today’s podcast episode I talk to Casey Graham, founder of Gravy, the company that helps entrepreneurs and business owners (including myself) solve the problem of failed payments and credit card declines in their business. Why did I bring him on? Because he’s an incredibly smart and strategic business owner who knows how to create profitable businesses - he’s built several from the ground up and is a master at growing thriving teams that wow their customers on a daily basis. Casey says that f you were to increase keeping your existing customers who are paying you by 5%, you could increase your profits by 25-95%, depending on your typ