Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#303: The One Episode I Didn't Want to Record



The title says it all. This is an episode, I definitely didn’t want to record… at first! But then I got to thinking, and I knew that sharing this experience with you, and being vulnerable was only going to help and benefit you and your business in the long run. Here’s what happened. I got an email from a student who was disappointed in my newest product and made sure I knew that she was not impressed. And you know what, it hurt. It really hurt. But after I took a step back, I realized that there are five things that I need to commit to in order to move my business forward, stand up for what I believe in, and block out those who don’t agree with me. Here’s a snapshot of those five things… Those who have achieved more than me will never judge me for wanting more. Sometimes things are going to get tough -- that’s just the nature of being an entrepreneur. So, I must commit to having thicker skin. I create my own thoughts and no one can hurt me. I’m in charge of what I think and feel… period. I’ll never let