Online Marketing Made Easy With Amy Porterfield

#584: Your Zone Of Genius Misses You: How To Find Your Way Back



You can’t do it all: How to work inside your zone of genius and let go of everything else Do you feel like you’re in a constant juggling act in your business? When you’re an entrepreneur, things are bound to be busy – and sure, feeling overwhelmed at times is something to be expected.  But if you feel like you always have a million plates spinning in the air, then it’s high time you start focusing on the things inside your zone of genius, and let go of all the other tasks that someone else can do for you. Passing the torch to an employee, a contractor or a VA can be really difficult, and I know this from personal experience. For ten full years, I insisted on editing my own videos. I thought that because I knew exactly what edits I wanted to make, I could do it quicker than anyone else could. Sure, I was ok at editing videos -- but it sure as heck was not the best use of my time.  And when I finally hired someone to do this for me, I found that with a little training and investment on the front end, they