Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.19- Running to Refuge



*APOLOGIES FOR QUALITY* Have you ever imagined what it would be like to be in a position where you were forced to run for your life?** It's a scenario that often plays out in our minds, reminiscent of the old western movies where they'd form a posse and chase someone down, seeking vigilante justice. The closest I can relate to this feeling is when I was young, playing a game called “Capture the Flag.” But what if this weren't just a game, and it were real life? What if you were truly running for your life, with no refuge or safe zone in sight? The sheer exhaustion and desperation would be overwhelming. Here's the remarkable truth: this is the spiritual condition of everyone ever born, whether they realize it or not. Spiritually, we are all running from something, searching for refuge from a very real threat. Today, we're going to delve into our desperate need for refuge and where to find it.