Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.17- Land Left to Conquer



Why do we join a church? What expectations do we, especially as Americans, bring when we walk through those church doors? For many, it's the hope of finding a recipe for a 'blessed' life, a path to recovery, the keys to building strong families, and the secrets to peace of mind. These desires, while valid, often take center stage in our minds. But here's a perspective shift: did you know that these aspirations aren't even among the top five missions of the church? It's time to recognize that the purpose of the church extends far beyond the pursuit of earthly blessings. Your time within the church is just a small part of God's grand plan of redemption. He didn't create His church solely for your benefit; it was designed with a transcendent purpose that goes beyond our individual agendas. Today, let's delve into the deeper mission of the church, one that involves our active participation in a battle that spans the history of redemption—a battle against the forces of evil. So, get ready, because in love,