Mansformation With Mitch Calvert Fitness

Ep. 38 - Why Exercise Matters MORE in the Age of Ozempic



It’s long been known that exercise doesn’t help most people lose weight. So in an age where you can take a pill to suppress appetite and eat less, why bother with the hard part? Losing weight is only a tiny part of everyone’s goal at the end of the day. And if you don't want to gain all the weight back, it plays a huge role. Plus, we share some insane statistics on why exercise matters more than diet for a long list of health outcomes. FREE MEAL CALORIE/MACRO CALCULATOR: Do you want to lose weight or gain muscle? The Calvert Fitness custom calorie calculator will provide you with a starting point—complete with macros, calories, portions and sample recipes—personalized for your body and your goals. Grab it at: ⁠