Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.15- Grace For Gibeonites, Part 1



When you first approached God, did you have all the answers? Were you instantly a master of repentance, knowing precisely how to pray and what steps to take? It's not just newcomers; even the church, often led by long-time believers, can stumble in their approach to God. Sometimes, we all seek shortcuts to gain favor with God, hoping for self-serving blessings. We may misuse prayer, even venturing into requests for personal vengeance or political gain, when we should know better. Given the mix of newcomers' ignorance and the flaws within the church responsible for teaching them about Jesus, it's reasonable to wonder how anyone finds God and learns to follow Him. Yet, amidst all these imperfections, God's grace intervenes, overcomes, and weaves our shortcomings into His story of redemption.