Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 589



On our latest podcast, we chat about what went on in Weatherfield between the 14th and the 18th August (Episodes #11031 - #11036). We were excited to see Evelyn and Cassie return to the cobbles this week, and the story of Tyrone's real mum reconnecting with him was just as gripping as it was when it was left off a few months ago, helped in no small part by some brilliant performances by the main cast members. With Cassie now staying at No. 9, we're sure there'll be plenty of opportunity for drama with the neighbours in the next few weeks, but will Tyrone be able to forgive Evelyn? Meanwhile Stephen manages to wriggle his way out of another tight corner when he successfully snags the telltale tiepin from Lou's room - but he might regret making an enemy of Peter in the process. Also this week, Lauren makes a surprise proposition to Roy, Debbie discovers some surprising news about the brewery and Ryan's roid rage rises. Not a whole lot of news this week, but we do at least have the NTA shortlist to mull over in