The Freelancer's Teabreak

How to get motivated (when you really don’t want to work)



We've all been there. Those days when we have a To Do list full of client work, but no motivation to get it done. There are actually lots of ways to get that motivation, and no one method works for everyone. Below are a few suggestions to get your work done. Identify your frog. Regulars in my Facebook group will know my passion for The Frog. The Frog is the awful task you don't want to do, but has to get done asap. The theory is that if you had to eat a big, horrible frog at some point today, it's best to get it out of the way first thing rather than dreading it all day (read more about it in the Eat That Frog book). So identify your frog and get it out of the way. Alternatively, choose the task that will get momentum going. I'm a huge believer in the idea that motivation follows action. So choose a small, enjoyable (but still business-related) task and get it done. In theory, you'll get a little energy boost from completing that first task, and the momentum will start to kick in and make the rest of your da