Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.13- Ai Moments



As followers of Jesus, we often experience moments of personal failure that can leave us feeling embarrassed, discouraged, and unworthy of grace. These "Ai moments," are a common occurrence in our spiritual journeys and while the impact of these moments can range from annoying to devastating, true followers of Jesus understand that they are opportunities for us to become more intimately connected with God and His people. Let's explore how Christians should respond to their own Ai moments as we look at the story of Joshua, who had an Ai moment that was both discouraging and devastating. Despite the setback, God did not allow Ai to be an excuse for Joshua to quit. Instead, He used the moment to make Joshua a better leader and more reliant on God than he had ever been before. Through Joshua's example, let's discover how we can learn, grow, and become better followers of Jesus in the face of our own Ai moments and see that for true believers, these moments are not the end of the journey but rather a stepping ston