Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Moving from Online to Brick and Mortar Boutique



0:56.8: I always say focus on one store first, grow that, and then add. 2:39.1: They do local pickups, things like that. That's actually, I think the best-case scenario for opening a brick-and-mortar because you already have this built-in customer base locally. And then they're going to say to their friends, Hey, let's go to this store. I think it's really different.3:10.8: Let's say you have been selling online and you're sending orders all over the country, you do want to be sure that this location is going to have your people at it. Like, do demographic research on the area.4:42.9: So if you are focused on building a brick-and-mortar boutique, the online business is going to suffer. Unless you have an online boutique manager who is going to continue to maintain that business.6:46.7: The hope is that obviously they follow you and you are still selling to the same customer that you sold to online. Now, will they buy the same things? Yes and no. 7:29.7:  Just because you open a brick-and-mortar