Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.11- Achan's Sin, Pt 1: God's Correction



The story of Achan may seem like a harsh punishment to some, but it's meant to be an encouragement that God keeps His promises to His people. When Israel expected an easy victory at Ai, they did not know that a sin had been committed, and the consequences of the sin would impact the entire community. However, God's correction is an act of love, guidance, and protection that reflects His deep, enduring commitment to His people. As followers of Jesus, we never want to be outside of God's blessing and protection, but we may feel like God withholds blessings because of our sinful choices. The story of Achan reminds us that processing God's correction should be done in a community that fosters vulnerability, love, and accountability. Ultimately, we need to view God's correction as a blessing that brings us back into covenant with Him and always reflects His deep commitment to us. We must never see God's correction as judgment or rejection, but rather as an expression of our Father's love guiding us back to Him.