Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Make 20% More in 30 Days



1:12.3: 20% is a lot of money for a business. But it's also not that hard. So let's think about what 20% would look like in the next 30 days for you.1:51.3: You need to make sure that you have inventory. Okay. If you don't have inventory, then that's okay.2:32.6: If your customer is already bought into something that's really working, then you're in a position where you have the opportunity to buy more in a different color and a different print and a bit of a different style and potentially charge a little bit more for it.3:34.5: But when you're pricing products, I find more often than not, people are pricing too low. 4:22.6: So many people don't want to charge more for like an everyday item when someone's going to get way more wear out of it. They think, oh, well, I'll charge more for like a nice dress that someone would wear to a wedding.5:00.9: I think that's the craziest thing because what you're doing is you're saying that the cost per wear of that item is going to be way better because someone migh