Filthy Casuals With Tommy Dassalo, Ben Vernel And Adam Knox

Episode 403: Baldur's Gate 3 Early Access, Garlic



Hark, weary traveller. Stay awhile and allow a simple bard such as myself to sing for you of a tale once spun to the kings of yore. It is of a travelling band of bards, much like yours truly, but they did not sing for their supper. Instead, they used ancient magics to record their voices onto a special type of stone known as a Pod, which they would Cast into a river, hoping that others further down the Stream would hear their words, as they spoke of games and japes most amusing. They spoke one week of Benjamin of Vernel's time with the town of Baldur's Gate, which was still undergoing construction at the time. They spoke of Tommy, ward of house Dassalo, and his discovery of an obscure gem known as Garlic to locals. Hear of Adam, surname Knox, who has played the video game Pikmin 2 and also they all talk about the news and so on as well. What do you mean the ending of the song falls apart? How dare you say it wasn't even a song because none of it rhymed, I was playing my lute the whole time.Patreon - weekly bo