Filthy Casuals With Tommy Dassalo, Ben Vernel And Adam Knox

Episode 400: "We Were Wrong" Spectacular



Happy 400th, Filthy Casuals! As a very special gift for this momentous birthday, I've gotten you a list of a bunch of times you were wrong about stuff over the years! Go on, unwrap it, dumbass! Over the last 400 episodes we've made roughly 100,000 inaccurate predictions, so we thought we'd have a bit of fun and listen back to ourselves making some of those outrageous claims. It's pure torture for us, but hopefully a bit of fun for you! Thanks everyone for hanging out with us for 400 episodes, we look forward to doing it for a fair few more. In fact, I predict that we'll make one million episodes. Lots of love, Tommy, Ben and Adam.Patreon - weekly bonus episodes and secret Filthy discord and FB groupBandcamp Premium EpisodesYouTube - including live streams and Let's PlaysTwitch Hosted on Acast. See for more information.