Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.4- Rahab's 1st Passover



Have you heard the story of Rahab and the spies in Jericho? It's an inspiring example of the importance of remembering what matters most in life. Rahab lived a life of social marginalization, but God had a plan for her. He strategically placed her in the perfect position to help the spies and protect her family. When the spies gave her a scarlet rope, it became a covenant sign and a powerful reminder of God's protection during the siege. As Christians, we also have a scarlet rope: Jesus. We should never forget His sacrifice and promises. Let's commit to remembering what truly matters in life and trust that God has a purpose for us too. Just like Rahab remembered her covenant with the spies, we should also remember Jesus' sacrifice and His promises to us. Let's commit ourselves to remembering what matters most and trust that God's plan for us is perfect.