Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

State of the Boutique Industry



2:05.3: The fundamentals of retail are the fundamentals of retail. They don't change over time. What does change sometimes is marketing or building a brand.2:44.3: I think it's important to take a step back and think about like, what about my business do I love? 5:51.5: So whether you're new or you are established, or however you see yourself in the scope of what boutique land looks like for you, I want you to know that there is always room to grow and there is always room to maintain and stabilize.16:36.4: Create an experience for your people, find them where they're at, whether that's social media, or online.22:01.8: I started to hear what was going on and I realized that boutique owners have very little genuine consistent support outside of potential friends and family. 23:57.2: And then combining it kind of with, with my experience in, in my own boutique, it was like people were doubling and tripling their sales numbers in three to 12 months. 24:25.2: I saw that scaling someone's business n