Gracelife Sarasota

Go Into The Land (Joshua) No.2- Unified Obedience



Have you ever wondered what true obedience as a follower of Jesus looks like? It might surprise you to learn that while individual obedience is critical, it's not the most important aspect. God has called us to something much greater: unified obedience. While personal integrity, morality, and regular attendance at church and giving can be parts of obedience, our focus on individual obedience alone will not lead to true prosperity. Instead, we need to come together as a community, loving one another relentlessly, and following the Lamb wherever he goes. Solely focusing on individual obedience resembles a man-made religion, and there's no power in that. Only by building a community based on loving one another and following God's will can we achieve true obedience and prosperity as believers. In today's passage from the book of Joshua, we see the importance of such a community.