Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

What’s Holding You Back?



2:33.4: And so I'm here to remind you that you are a very, very, very powerful being and that you get to decide, you get to have the choice about what it is that you want, where you wanna go. And so I want to tap into what might be holding you back.3:27.4: One of the very first ways that I see people blocking themselves from having a great boutique is fear. Fear of success, fear of failure. Fear of what will other people think. Fear of I'm not good enough. Fear of what if I run out of money? 5:08.6: It's okay to be nervous. It's okay to be in a space of feeling unsure about what could happen. It's okay. Feel that feeling. See it.9:20.3: Anyone can set up a schedule, actually. But what I will tell you is that it takes you sticking to that schedule and it takes you deciding that you're gonna show up for that schedule.10:34.4: I find a lot of people that start boutiques just aren't taking themselves seriously. They're not taking the business piece of it seriously. They think, oh, I can just dabble here and