Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Morning Magic: Beetroot Juice, Mind-Body Medicine, and Dr. Monisha Bhanote's Wellness Secrets #435



From shot glasses of vibrant beetroot concoctions to other surprising immunity boosters, learn how to supercharge your mornings and strengthen your body's defenses in this game-changing conversation.  Ramp up your morning routine with shots of immune-boosters you can make at home! I can't say I've done this before, but I'll be trying it.  Join us in this enlightening episode as Dr. Bhanote shares her wealth of knowledge on nutrition, medicine, and the powerful connections between mind and body. Discover her exciting, holistic approach to health as we delve into morning routines, immunity-boosting drinks, and natural supplements.   THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BiOptimizers — About 75% of people are magnesium deficient. This deficiency can lead to higher levels of anxiety, irritability, trouble sleeping, and low energy. Does magnesium really affect all these things? Yes - magnesium is involved in more than 300 chemical processes inside your body. So a lot of different things can start to go wrong if you’re d