Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.51- Cherished Words



Have you ever received important parting words from someone you love or admire? Can you relate to the curiosity of wanting to know the last words of someone you love?" What did they say? Maybe it was critical, final instructions for an important task you would face alone, & they wanted you to be prepared. Maybe someone you’ve relied upon was about to move away, & you wouldn’t see them for a long time, maybe never. How would you treat those words? Would you be on your phone, checking social media, texting, take a call? Or would you cherish them? Would you feel honored to receive them? Would you take notes, preserve them? After the moment has passed, would you disregard those words, or continue to cherish them, revisit them often? Would you keep them to yourself, or would you tell others about them, who might need to hear those words? That’s what we have here in Revelation 22. Jesus’ final words to His followers until the day He returns. Compared to any other, you would think Jesus'