Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.49- You Will Be Satisfied



Young people have coined a clever term for someone's relentless pursuit or desire for something or someone: "thirsty". This label implies you’re a person who goes to great lengths, even if it' risky or embarrassing, to satisfy your craving. But isn't it hypocritical to single out individuals when, in fact, every one of us is "thirsty" and & "hungry"? This universal thirst & hunger stems from an intense yearning, a spiritual craving, is something we all desperately seek. We all long for true satisfaction, a sense of purpose, success, and peace of mind in our lives. Our profound desire for fulfillment drives us to explore every corner, leaving no stone unturned in our pursuit. It is not wrong or sinful to yearn for satisfaction; after all, we were created this way by God. But this world is filled w/enticing propositions & false promises that will never satisfy, only leave us hungrier & thirstier. The enticements of success, religious achievement, material possessions, philosophical wisdom, influential p