Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.48- The Perfect Church



Imagine being part of the perfect church, one that meets every expectation of Jesus. What would it look like? Does church perfection start with its theology & teaching, or its ability to be loving and accepting? How big an emphasize would the perfect church place on living righteousness & holy or on a strong evangelistic focus? Would the perfect church have massive diversity, filled with different kinds of people, or would it prioritize generosity? What does the worship or music look like in the perfect church? What about its other programs? Children, youth? I have breaking news for you this's not GraceLife, just in case you were wondering. GraceLife is a wonderful place, but we are far from perfect. What if I told you there is a perfect church? What if I told you there is one, we can learn from, be inspired by as we continue to grow as a family? There is no perfect church today, but today’s passage describes exactly what a perfect church would look like. It describes what God sees, what