Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.46- The Great White Throne



Clothes are great, aren’t they? We desperately need them. The right clothes cover a multitude of dietary sins. Clothes can also communicate who or what we identify with: Ethnic groups, nationalities, sports teams, music genres. Clothes can also be a statement about what we believe, they can have slogans, like our GL t-shirts. Its important you wear the right clothes for your destination. You don’t wear a tuxedo to meet someone at Starbucks. You’re not going to wear beach shorts and flip-flops to a formal wedding, that would be disrespectful. There are types of clothes for different events: formal clothes, work clothes, beach clothes, dating clothes, court clothes. Have you ever worn the wrong clothes that lead to a miserable experience, too hot, too cold, to tight, too loose? Have you had the wrong clothes or had a wardrobe malfunction that made you the center of attention for all the wrong reasons? Underdressed? Overdressed? Button popped off? Zipper broke? Have your clothes ever offende