Conversation Street

Conversation Street Episode 565



On our latest podcast, we take a look at what went on in Weatherfield between the 27th February and the 3rd March 2022 (Episodes #10888 - 10893) Every so often, you'll get an episode of Corrie that you'll sit in front of thinking, 'What on earth am I watching?' That was us - and presumably countless other viewers! - on Thursday night as we saw the effects of Stephen accidentally taking a massive dose of LSD that was meant for Carla. Now whether or not you actually liked those scenes is another matter entirely - but we have to say we thoroughly enjoyed the spectacle, despite it admittedly not exactly being 'Classic Corrie'! This week also saw the start of the consent story, with Aaron taking advantage of a passed out Amy after a night of drunken revelry. Uncomfortable viewing for sure, and we're certainly intrigued to see the after effects next week. Up next on the podcast, there's a quick trip to The Kabin, where we find out about Kym Marsh's next project (sorry, slow news week!) before finishing off with mor