Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.40- Come Out of Babylon



As a Jesus follower, do you ever face conflicting voices, calling you in two different directions? One voice invites you to come out of the world, & the other urges you to stay comfortable, within the world’s system. I am not talking about the struggle between righteousness & wickedness. Its more subtle than that. Which would you rather be? One who grapples with the tug-of-war between Jesus and the world every day? Or someone who can live in this world without any kind of tension between following Jesus and loving this world? Some never hear the call to come out of the world. Their whole life devoted to getting the most they can out of it. Others hear some echoes of a call to come out of the world. They do for a while, but always seem to run back. True followers of Jesus will always be caught in this daily fight. That tension is exhausting, but can also be a comfort. It’s a struggle we are called to embrace, and be prepared to face and fight every day. This struggle is some of the best evidence