Gracelife Sarasota

Letters From Heaven (Revelation) No.41- A Day of Mourning



Can you think of moments in recent history where it seemed like the world system was on the verge of collapse? Can you relate personally to the anxiety of those events or at least empathize with those directly impacted? 9-11 when the WTC towers collapsed, people thought how can we recover from that? But we did. The GFC in 2008, the global banking system was on the verge of collapse. It was bailed out & came back. Just a few years ago we had a global crisis because of Covid-19 and all the lockdowns. In Turkey this week, an earthquake killed 18,000 so far. Turkey will rebuild. But the world won’t rebuild from Revelation 18. As with these and all systemic catastrophes in world history, somehow humanity was able to pick up pieces, move on. Is it possible one day the world system will face a global crisis so broad & destructive it will never recover or rebuild? If it is possible, would that be a good day or a bad day? Is it a frightening thought or a comforting one? Today’s passage is a prophecy abou